Difference between slickgrid on Angular 1.5 and on Angular 2

Diatom Enterprises possesses several years of expertise in Angular. On one of Diatom’s recent projects, we had to explore how different versions of Angular work with grids. The task was to adapt a JavaScript data table component called SlickGrid for Angular 1.5 and Angular 2.0. SlickGrid is used for super-fast fetching and displaying 10,000 records. … Continue reading

What You Should Know Before Choosing Angular 2+

It’s not Angular 1 While the brand name and main developer team are the same, it is not Software development using the Angular 1, meaning, it is a completely rewritten framework and thus migrating from 1.x to 2+ requires learning new skills for Angular 2+ as a new framework. Learning and documentation Development using Angular … Continue reading

A migration History: from AngularJS 1.3 to 1.5 and then 2.0

I’d like to tell the story of some of our recent experiences with a number of AngularJS version migrations across a range of different projects. It’s a brief overview of what our angular development team has experienced and the challenges we’ve encountered. Hopefully, it will help anyone walking the same road. If you’re still developing … Continue reading