DiBi – Digital Library of Latvian National Library
Diatom Enterprises took part in the process of digitizing collections of the Latvian National Library and other similar organizations, by making them accessible on the web. The creation of the digital library lays the foundation for uniform principles of processing, storing the digitized materials and ensuring access to them.
The first parcel for scanning and digitization contained 75000 pages of cultural, historical and informative materials.
At present, the Digital Library holds digitized collections of newspapers, pictures, maps, books, sheet-music and audio recordings. As well as 350,000 pages of newspapers from the previous century is already accessible on the Internet.
In total within the framework of the project “Development of Digital Library – Stage 2” supported by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 3500000 pages of books and newspapers will be scanned and processed in order to make the digital copies and to ensure their availability on the Internet for all inhabitants of Latvia not only residents of the capital city.
DiBi offers also electronic article delivery services (ordering and delivering of documents over e-mail from the National bibliography analytic database), electronic catalogues and databases services (information about the NLL materials that can be obtained in the library). These services are available“24/7”.
A single architecture and the public access ensured to the archives of Latvian cultural and historical internet sites (approx. 3000 sites)
Records of national editions digitized and published in the National Electronic Database (600,000 records).
Programming language: C# .NET.
Net technologies: .NET, TFS, Framework 3.0, SharePoint 2007, WCF (windows communication foundation), Windows Workflow Foundation, InfoPath, MSMQ, Statistical Analysis
Database/Application Servers: MS SQL 2005, IIS (6.0), Windows Server 2003 R2, BITS.