We are excited to announce our blog has been launched

As Brian Tracy has once said, “Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, “What's in it for me?”

As the author of audio programs on success, Brian Tracy, has once said, “Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, “What’s in it for me?” This is exactly what our developers thought when they decided to launch a technical blog where it would be possible to share experience and discuss some topical IT-themes:


During ten years of working at a global market, Diatom Enterprises has gained vast experience in such industries as Real Estate Industry, Logistics, Financial Management, Mobile Development, e-Government Systems, and many others. Now, our developers have decided it’s time to create our own platform where we could share our thoughts on various IT topics.

Diatom Enterprises Blog features Software Development, Technical and Managerial problem solving, as well as provides fresh articles from our Research and Development Department on the topical issues in the IT industry. All the posts are written by our own Developers and are based on our experience or on our independent research in a particular area.

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We’re glad to say that so far, our technical blog has received a huge response: more than 4 000 unique visits just in a week’s time, lots of comments and likes.

If you are interested to find out more about this technical blog, learn about our experience or share your opinion, please, follow the
