While at high school, I had been assigned to make a two-person game in Artificial Intelligence studies based on chess figure – knight, where one player is human and other is a computer on 4×4 field. Also, you can’t step on the same field where you or computer has already been. At first, I had to do that by hand – get all possible moves. After that, I needed to make a working example and I did it in Ruby.
In this article, I’ll be explaining basic things, such as:
- how knight can move
- basic information about A.I.
- the beast called recursion
- what is the minimax algorithm
- loading start game grid
- generating movement tree
- printing for visibility
- making basic moves
The theory part
I will start off by explaining some essential theory which you might already know, if so – skip to the next chapter.
How does a chess knight move?
If you ever have played chess, then you know that knight can be a very powerful and dangerous piece on your chess table. From all chess pieces, the knight moves the most unusual way. It can move to a square that is two squares horizontally and one square vertically, or two squares vertically and one square horizontally. So, if the knight has space, it can move 8 different squares from its current position.
Basic information about Artificial Intelligence
Let’s start by explaining each word as it is. Artificial means not real, fake, made or produced, that is mostly self-explanatory. Intelligence, on the other hand, has a quite harder explanation. It could mean huge knowledge, the capability to learn something, it is associated with secret agencies and government itself and so on. But how these words are combined in IT science? In my opinion, Artificial Intelligence is the capability of non-living things to think, learn, analyze and then act based on the information and/or situation.
Nowadays, you can see movies full of AI Integration Examples, AI robots and services, planes and other things which can do amazing things, but the situation in real life is quite the opposite, at least in full-scale robotics. There are self-automated cars and planes, but making human-like robot is only in future. That is because, first of all, robots should be able to learn – and how do you learn? By experimenting, doing things and so on. But what makes you understand that you have learned/succeeded? It is the result itself. For example, you see fire, you touch it and it is hot, it burns you and you decide not to touch it again. But how would a robot know that? It doesn’t feel the pain, doesn’t have conscious to tell good and bad aside. That is why A.I. needs some kind of data to be based on.
Why am I telling all this? Quite simply, to play against the computer, it should know what to do, how to react on your moves and decide the best possible move. That is why we, the programmers of a new world, need to write some gibberish code to guide our fellow computer friend in the world of unknown. But then raises a question – hey, you programmed it, that doesn’t make it A.I. – self-thinking. That is true, but think of your favourite FPS game where the computer could play against you, it is the same, but they act like humans, don’t they? It is how you programmed it – make it very complex, evolve the code and maybe, someday it will start writing code for himself(itself). So, to play against my knight-computer we need to tell it how to play. In my assignment, I needed to use the minimax algorithm for computer decision making the process.
Few words about recursion
Recursion is a programming concept, which, by its idea, lets function call itself. It is pretty easy to understand, however, implementing such a concept can get you some headache, because it has a high chance you will go in an infinite loop and get stack level too deep error. To avoid this, you clearly need to know what you want to do, what is the next step for function and, more importantly, what is the stopping condition/point. For me, the ending point was the hardest part while I was learning the LISP programming language.
Example factorial function:
def fact(n) if n > 1 n * fact(n - 1) # puts n # In theory, that puts is only executed when deepest level -1 of recursion is reached, # that is, when fact returns 1 and steps back. # In this example it would break recursion because fact works on returned values, puts returns nil else 1 end end
As you can see, I have condition check for n which would decide if it is stopping point or next function call (n – 1). What recursion also means is that it goes to deepest possible level (endpoint you decide) and goes back level by level returning value from a deeper level so you can intercept value. As useful as recursion is, it shouldn’t be used when a simple loop can do the thing simpler.
What is the minimax algorithm?
Minimax algorithm tries to minimize the risk of losing. In short, the computer will play at it’s best to not let you win. For minimax algorithm to work, the game needs a tree of all* possible moves for the computer to decide which route through a tree to take.
*All possible moves in this game because it is short, but in such games like standard chess it is not possible because of the huge scaling – 10^120 possible variations, so most of the times tree is being generated dynamically.
Tree generating happens by code (game conditions) itself and it doesn’t involve algorithm directly but while the tree is being generated, the algorithm starts its work by setting first nodes state(min/max). In the next levels of the tree (deeper ones) state is based on previous levels state (opposite of it).
If we set the first nodes state as min, next level nodes must be the max, after that level, min and so on.
While the tree is being generated, the algorithm is searching for deepest level, when found, it sets that nodes rank (0/1) based on nodes state. If the state is min, the rank will be 1, if max then 0. After that, tree generation continues by backing up one level (because of recursion), algorithm checks if there are all child nodes with the rank set (which means it is looked), if so, the algorithm sets rank based on state (min/max). If there are any child nodes without rank set, the algorithm follows tree generation process (it will go deeper due recursion), and repeats itself. When all those children have rank set and algorithm is a point where a parent has 2 or more children, it chooses rank between children to rank values based on current levels state.
Let’s do this step by step:
- Algorithm finds all end nodes (H, F, E) and sets their value based on state: min=1, max=0
- Next step on E branch, the algorithm moves back to C, checks for all children ranks and picks a maximum of them, so [1].max is 1.
- Moving to A, the algorithm finds that B node is missing rank, let’s find it.
- H is 1, so G must be 1 too, because it has only one child ([1].max)
- F is 0, but what about D? It has min state, so: [0, 1].min means that D is 0.
- Now, we can get B, which is 0 because D is 0 too. ([0].max)
- Finally, we can get A which has a child’s B and C, so [0, 1].min is 0.
When all that is done, the first node should have 0 or 1 as rank. Based on that rank, the computer will determine the best move in each position.
The programming part
For this blog post, I’ll be using reduced and cleaner code as it was for the actual game. The program will consist of 3 files:
- main.rb which will launch this simple application.
- grid.rb for Grid class and manipulations with grid.
- tree.rb for Tree class that will generate a tree and implement minimax algorithm.
Comments in code are self-explanatory
class Main # Some constants for easier use PLAYER_1 = 0 PLAYER_2 = 1 CURRENT_POSITION = 0 CURRENT_X = 1 CURRENT_Y = 2 # Creates some default 4x4 game grid with 2D arrays def make_grid grid = [ [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0, 0], [0, 0, 3, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0] ] # Players location [player_info1, player_info2] where player_info[index, x, y], last even and odd values from grid players = [[3, 2, 2], [4, 1, 1]] # Creates first game grid grid_object = Grid.new(grid, players[PLAYER_1], players[PLAYER_2]) # Prints out starting grid print_grid(grid_object.grid) # Generates tree tree_object = Tree.new.generate(grid_object.grid, players[PLAYER_1], players[PLAYER_2]) # Prints full tree print_tree(tree_object) end private # Helper printing methods, fugly. def print_grid(grid, right = ' ') grid.each do |i| val = '' i.each do |j| val = val + "[#{j > 0 ? j.to_s.rjust(2, ' ') : ' '}] " end puts "#{right}#{val}" end puts "#{right}-------------------" '' end def print_tree(tree_object, right = ' ') if(tree_object) print_grid(tree_object.grid, right) right = right + ' ' tree_object.moves.each do |node| print_tree(node, right) end end end end # Game initializer require_relative 'tree' require_relative 'grid' Main.new.make_grid
Comments in code are self-explanatory
class Grid < Main # So we access from outside attr_accessor :grid, :moves, :state, :rank # Sets default values for object def initialize(grid_array, player1_info, player2_info) # Needs to_s and eval because for some reason Ruby keeps it by reference even if I dup or clone @grid = eval(grid_array.to_s) # Will hold all possible moves based on current grid @moves = [] # State - min/max @state = '' # Rank - 0/1 @rank = -1 # Sets both player locations on grid, player_info = [index, x, y] @players = [player1_info, player2_info] set_player_coords(player1_info) set_player_coords(player2_info) end # Helper methods # Get player info - [index, x, y] def player_info(player) @players[player] end # Finds who's move it is def current_player @players[PLAYER_1][CURRENT_POSITION] < @players[PLAYER_2][CURRENT_POSITION] ? PLAYER_1 : PLAYER_2 end # Changes current players info def current_player_set(array) @players[current_player] = array end # Finds current players index def current_index @players[current_player][CURRENT_POSITION] end # Finds current players x def current_x @players[current_player][CURRENT_X] end # Finds current players y def current_y @players[current_player][CURRENT_Y] end # Determines best next move for computer def find_best_way if @state == 'max' way = moves.max{ |a, b| a.rank <=> b.rank } elsif @state == 'min' way = moves.min{ |a, b| a.rank <=> b.rank } end end # Sets state based on previous state def set_state(prev_state) if prev_state == 'max' @state = 'min' elsif prev_state == 'min' @state = 'max' end end # Sets rank based on current state def set_rank ranks = @moves.collect{ |x| x.rank } if @state == 'max' @rank = ranks.max elsif @state == 'min' @rank = ranks.min end end # Finds all possible moves from current move in specific grid def self.find_valid_movement(grid, x, y) valid_coordinates = [ [-2,-1],[-1,-2],[ 1,-2],[ 2,-1], [-2, 1],[-1, 2],[ 1, 2],[ 2, 1] ] move_to = [] valid_coordinates.each do |array| x_coordinate = array[0] + x y_coordinate = array[1] + y next if outside_area?(x_coordinate, y_coordinate) move_to << [x_coordinate, y_coordinate] if grid[x_coordinate][y_coordinate] == 0 end move_to end # Helper method to check coords def self.outside_area?(x, y) x < 0 || y < 0 || x > 3 || y > 3 end private def set_player_coords(player_array) position = player_array[CURRENT_POSITION] x = player_array[CURRENT_X] y = player_array[CURRENT_Y] @grid[x][y] = position end end
Comments in code are self-explanatory
class Tree < Main # Generates tree from given grid and locations, first state is max, returns full tree def generate(grid, player_1, player_2) new_grid_object = Grid.new(grid, player_1, player_2) new_grid_object.set_state('max') generate_moves(new_grid_object) new_grid_object end # Recursive function def generate_moves(grid_object) # Finds all possible moves based on current grid move_to = Grid.find_valid_movement(grid_object.grid, grid_object.current_x, grid_object.current_y) # Iterates through all possible next moves move_to.each_index do |i| # Determines where to put next move based if next_position is odd or not next_position = grid_object.current_index+2 new_player_info = [next_position, move_to[i][0], move_to[i][1]] player_1 = next_position.odd? ? new_player_info : grid_object.player_info(PLAYER_1) player_2 = next_position.odd? ? grid_object.player_info(PLAYER_2) : new_player_info # Creates new grid based on new moves new_grid_object = Grid.new(grid_object.grid, player_1, player_2) # Adds new grid to old grids moves array grid_object.moves << new_grid_object # Sets new grids state based on previous state new_grid_object.set_state(grid_object.state) # Goes deeper in recursion with newly created grid generate_moves(new_grid_object) # When recursion has come back (reached deepest level), old grid gets rank based on childs it has grid_object.set_rank end # When reached deepest level of tree, sets rank based on state set_last_rank(grid_object) if move_to.empty? end private def set_last_rank(grid_object) if grid_object.state == 'min' grid_object.rank = 1 else grid_object.state == 'max' grid_object.rank = 0 end end end
Launching tree generator
Write ruby main.rb, where you have to save main.rb and output, should be the same as this: example output
How to play?
Well, this example isn’t completely playable because it doesn’t have the functionality. I won’t be talking about that in here, but if you wish, you can visit GitHub page and download little bit messier and undocumented full code.
Please check another examples of the AI Services and Integration we have.
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