Atlas: Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software

The automatically tuned linear algebra software (ATLAS) is an environment that allows software development. An environment, in this case, implies an operating system, the programming language, the tools for enhancing performance and functionality as well as debugging tools. The Automatically tuned linear algebra software aims at applying empirical techniques … Continue reading

New Episode “Getting Around” of our Vlog is released!

As you might remember, we have recently started a vlog series about Robot Pepper becoming Diatom’s employee. The previous episode seemed to cause a lot of interest among our subscribers. In the first episode “Arrival” you could see how we have brought Pepper to the office, how she has met us and how she was … Continue reading

New Vlog series “Robot Intern at Diatom Enterprises”

Being deeply interested in AI and robotics we learned that no one should get cosy at the work chair. The intelligent machines are on the march and becoming so sophisticated that this is quite naive to think that they would not outperform humans one day. Which is not a problem but an opportunity in our … Continue reading

Pepper the Robot’s first TV appearance

On January 16, Diatom Enterprises director and founder Denis Gorshkov and senior lead developer Pavel Petrov were invited to appear on the Life Today program on LTV7, a local Latvian TV channel. The purpose of this interview was to talk about the Internet of Thing (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration Examples, and also to … Continue reading

Frustration Driven Development

As you can guess from the title, I am frustrated. I am frustrated by the fact that we neglect the solutions to the problems that already have been solved. It’s painful to admit, but I am also infected with this particular disease. More often than not I tend to overlook some of the things in … Continue reading

Array is one of the workhorses in Ruby

In this post, I will dive into Arrays. There are several methods we use every day, methods we use sometimes and methods we don’t know they even exist. Basics It’s a boring definition, but we all need to remember it: Array indexing starts at 0. A negative index is assumed to be relative to the … Continue reading

Playing around with a Method object

Legends say that in Ruby everything is an object. You might say: “Ha, the method can’t be an object!” And you would be wrong because there is a Method object in Ruby. Of course, I am exaggerating. It is not hidden. In fact, it is very well known and documented. We’ve used Method object in … Continue reading

3 Things You Need to Know About Accessibility

Recently, I was asked: How do disabled people use the web? I have been working as a web developer for about four years, but I have never really thought about the usability of my web application for disabled people. And that single question made me think: “Am I creating software that is available for everyone?” … Continue reading

Happy Birthday Diatom

Today is 09.09.2013, this is a symbolic date for Diatom; our company celebrates 9th Birthday today. We would like to say Thank You to all our clients, partners, supporters and of course to our employees. Thank you all for being part of Diatom Enterprises for all this time. Diatom Enterprises was founded in 2004 since that … Continue reading