Takhir Mamirov, PhD

Chief Executive Manager

If you love to achieve and want to work around others that are equally motivated, Diatom will be your happy new home! My colleagues project confidence and strive daily for excellence. We love the friendly competition to be the smartest. Every day the overall working atmosphere inspires me to move forward, learn more, be proactive to help my colleagues and benefit our clients.

I am a Dr.sc.ing. in Transport and Logistics. I have over 15 years of programming and around 10 years of team leading experience. During my university education I studied electronics, telecommunications, and other fundamental sciences. I think that most of my colleagues would agree that our different backgrounds allow us to see unique applications from our programming that is oblivious to others.

Before Diatom, I was working at Forex financial market, buying and selling the EUR/USD. We developed complex custom software that supported our efforts to forecast future values. It was demanding, brain breaking work discovering unknown truths regarding the fundamental and technical analysis for their optimization and risks.

Software development and team leading to me are a way to the means. They allow me to see the world anew and fascinating. Sometimes it reveals answers to life’s most complex problems in fresh and ingenious ways.

It seems like yesterday when Denis called me in the evening offering a job. A week later I started my never-ending challenge at Diatom. I have been here since 2005.