Windows Workflow Foundation

Diatom Enterprises as an outsource software development company is an expert in WWF technology. Company’s WWF developers widely use the technology in developing such projects as Digital Library of Latvian National Library.


Diatom Enterprises Company provides offshore WWF development services for a wide range of industries and companies around the world. If you are looking for experienced and trusted WWF developers for hire you can stop looking.

In last 20 years or so, most of the programming has moved from low-level languages to high-level languages. In today’s industry where programmers depend upon high-level languages mundane tasks such as memory allocation and rewriting the code for different machines, are things of past since the introduction of Microsoft’s .NET  common language run time which can be compiled just –in- time to run on any machine natively?

Going back to days of C, once considered a sophisticated language (still is); managing information/data workflow was a tedious task and especially when the code has synchronization, callbacks and subroutines. Windows workflow foundation is a declarative framework just like user’s interface, which handles “behind the scenes” service logic and presents itself as an opportunity to develop code in high-level language for asynchronous, parallel tasks and other complex processes.

WWF is a combination of traditional and modern programming tools for declaring workflow, activities to help define the logic and control flow, and run time for executing the resulting application definition. WF is about using a higher-level language for writing applications, with the goal of making developers more productive, applications easier to manage, and change quickly to implement.  The WWF is run time not only executes the workflow, but it also provides services and features important when writing application logic such persistence of state, bookmarking and resumption of business logic, all of which lead to thread and process efficiency.

The WF programming model has been revamped to make it both simpler and more robust.  Activity is the core base type in the programming model and represents both workflows and activities.  Its no longer needed to create a Workflow Run time to invoke a workflow, it can simply be created as an instance and executed, simplifying unit testing and application scenarios where developer does not want to go through the trouble of setting up a specific environment.  Finally, the workflow programming model becomes a fully declarative composition of activities, with no code-beside, simplifying workflow authoring.

For web developers:

One of the benefits of WF is that it allows program application logic declaratively, but most people do not want to write XAML by hand, which is why the designer experience in WF is so important. Common scenarios where web developers mostly use .NET workflow functionality:

A) When different data sources (mostly databases) are a part of the application’s workflow
B) Periodically changing application logic, where few steps in a workflow are modified
C) Isolated workflow outputs (branched design) that require complex logic
D) Batch inputs which are a part of the initial workflow and have an undefined time frame
E) Maximize productivity and agility of application concerning interoperability.



Learning curve, most programmers face difficulty in adapting to workflow design techniques

In the last 20 years or so, most of the programming has moved from low-level languages to high-level languages. In today’s industry where programmers depend upon high-level languages mundane tasks such as memory allocation and rewriting the code for different machines, are things…