Software Development for the Pepper Robot

Pepper is one of the first humanoid robots on the market that is capable of identifying the principal human emotions: joy, anger and surprise. She is able to scan non-verbal language, such as the angle of a person’s head. Pepper is a very friendly robot who reaches out to communicate with humans But one of … Continue reading

New Episode “Getting Around” of our Vlog is released!

As you might remember, we have recently started a vlog series about Robot Pepper becoming Diatom’s employee. The previous episode seemed to cause a lot of interest among our subscribers. In the first episode “Arrival” you could see how we have brought Pepper to the office, how she has met us and how she was … Continue reading

New Vlog series “Robot Intern at Diatom Enterprises”

Being deeply interested in AI and robotics we learned that no one should get cosy at the work chair. The intelligent machines are on the march and becoming so sophisticated that this is quite naive to think that they would not outperform humans one day. Which is not a problem but an opportunity in our … Continue reading

Pepper the Robot’s first TV appearance

On January 16, Diatom Enterprises director and founder Denis Gorshkov and senior lead developer Pavel Petrov were invited to appear on the Life Today program on LTV7, a local Latvian TV channel. The purpose of this interview was to talk about the Internet of Thing (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration Examples, and also to … Continue reading

Our Software development company – Year 2016 in Review

There is a good tradition to review the expiring year at the end of December. Some people do it on Facebook, some individually reflect on the passing year, some discuss it with colleagues or family members. This tradition is beneficial for companies as well as it gives a company an understanding of what has been … Continue reading

We say “Artificial Intelligence” but we mean…

I would like to apologize at once to those who spent years of researching AI areas, such as speech recognition, or working on AI in trading systems. Giving myself over to thoughts, I would like to start a subject about this. In the scientific world, one starts out from seeking correct definitions of terms, which … Continue reading

Possible chess knights movements using minimax algorithm

While at high school, I had been assigned to make a two-person game in Artificial Intelligence studies based on chess figure – knight, where one player is human and other is a computer on 4×4 field. Also, you can’t step on the same field where you or computer has already been. At first, I had … Continue reading