Do you plan in advance data architecture for your startup?

Have you faced a situation when you suddenly realized that your Large project needs to be rebuilt because you ran into an unsolvable problem related to performance? When your company have a project that is popular enough and may potentially face millions of online users we need to stop and think about it. Correctly built architecture … Continue reading

How To Succeed at Riga Comm: Tips for Exhibitors

Despite the fact Diatom has been successfully working at the Latvian and global market for more than 10 years, last year was the first time our company participated in Riga Comm IT Fair. That is an IT & Business event that allows  ICT professionals, entrepreneurs and other interested people to learn about the latest products … Continue reading

Welcome to Autumn 2015! Are you ready?

In Diatom we are, for sure!  Let’s get straight to the business. We start September by visiting our close and far neighbours – starting with a business visit to Stavanger, Norway – a city of diverse and dynamic business environment; and then heading straight to IBC2015 Exhibition in Amsterdam to meet new companies and establish … Continue reading

Playing around with a Method object

Legends say that in Ruby everything is an object. You might say: “Ha, the method can’t be an object!” And you would be wrong because there is a Method object in Ruby. Of course, I am exaggerating. It is not hidden. In fact, it is very well known and documented. We’ve used Method object in … Continue reading

ASP.NET MVC: Business Logic as a Separate Layer

ASP.NET MVC offers a great way of how to separate different application layers. View layer is responsible for data representation, the controller layer is responsible for receiving and replying to requests, and models are used as two-way information carriers between the previous two layers. This separation of concerns is convenient for developers because there is … Continue reading