Why Consider Outsourcing to Latvia for Custom Software Development? A Closer Look at the Benefits.

What is Custom Software Development? Custom software development involves the conceptualization, construction, implementation, and upkeep of software tailored to the needs of particular users, functions, or organizations. Unlike off-the-shelf software that is commercially available, the focus of custom software development is on meeting specific and well-defined requirements. What is the Importance of Tailoring Software Solutions … Continue reading

Use ChatGPT to create Unit Tests

We’ve looked at using AI tools to help the development process and automate Unit Test creation for programmers. When we get the code from other teams, we face these challenges: Understanding their logic. Lack of Unit tests. Imperfections in the code (no code is perfect). To make any changes and not break the logic it … Continue reading

Flex to HTML5/AngularJS Migration Approach

Challenges of staying with Flex The cost will always be a major concern if you plan to upgrade your software to conform to up-to-date technologies to keep pace with progress. However, staying with a proprietary platform may cost your business far more than the decision to migrate. If you plan to stick with Flex your … Continue reading

Diatom at DSummit Conference in Stockholm, Sweden

At the end of May Diatom is heading straight to Stockholm in order to take part in DSummit. It is a major conference featuring a new human-centred digital future and discussing challenges it brings to us.

Do you plan in advance data architecture for your startup?

Have you faced a situation when you suddenly realized that your Large project needs to be rebuilt because you ran into an unsolvable problem related to performance? When your company have a project that is popular enough and may potentially face millions of online users we need to stop and think about it. Correctly built architecture … Continue reading

A brief overview of Ruby hash

This will be a brief overview of the hash data structure, how it is implemented and how it can be manipulated in Ruby. What is a Hash? A Hash is a data structure that organizes data in key-value pairs. It is also referred to as a dictionary or associative array. These properties of a hash … Continue reading

We say “Artificial Intelligence” but we mean…

I would like to apologize at once to those who spent years of researching AI areas, such as speech recognition, or working on AI in trading systems. Giving myself over to thoughts, I would like to start a subject about this. In the scientific world, one starts out from seeking correct definitions of terms, which … Continue reading

Frustration Driven Development

As you can guess from the title, I am frustrated. I am frustrated by the fact that we neglect the solutions to the problems that already have been solved. It’s painful to admit, but I am also infected with this particular disease. More often than not I tend to overlook some of the things in … Continue reading

Playing around with a Method object

Legends say that in Ruby everything is an object. You might say: “Ha, the method can’t be an object!” And you would be wrong because there is a Method object in Ruby. Of course, I am exaggerating. It is not hidden. In fact, it is very well known and documented. We’ve used Method object in … Continue reading

ASP.NET MVC: Business Logic as a Separate Layer

ASP.NET MVC offers a great way of how to separate different application layers. View layer is responsible for data representation, the controller layer is responsible for receiving and replying to requests, and models are used as two-way information carriers between the previous two layers. This separation of concerns is convenient for developers because there is … Continue reading

3 Things You Need to Know About Accessibility

Recently, I was asked: How do disabled people use the web? I have been working as a web developer for about four years, but I have never really thought about the usability of my web application for disabled people. And that single question made me think: “Am I creating software that is available for everyone?” … Continue reading

10 year anniversary: Diatom Enterprises

Behind every solid success story is one person whose exceptional intelligence, creative ability, vision, and who has the skill to transform that vision into reality. The other key ingredient is for the visionary to surround himself with brilliant people of diverse talents. That nucleus allows the establishment of a solid business foundation that will support … Continue reading

Diatom Enterprises, Florida office and global expansion

Consistently accelerating growth at Diatom Enterprises, a 10-year seasoned custom software development firm is now forcing the company to double the size of its Tampa Bay, Florida, office. Although a global company they concentrate on servicing and developing referrals from existing clients and expanding their client base in North America and Western Europe. United States … Continue reading

Happy Birthday Diatom

Today is 09.09.2013, this is a symbolic date for Diatom; our company celebrates 9th Birthday today. We would like to say Thank You to all our clients, partners, supporters and of course to our employees. Thank you all for being part of Diatom Enterprises for all this time. Diatom Enterprises was founded in 2004 since that … Continue reading